Earth Ministry Team of Montreat Presbyterian Church

Mission Statement:

“In the fellowship of Jesus Christ we listen for the word of God in our lives, love with open hearts and open minds, walk the path of faith together, serve others and welcome all.” As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) we are enriched by the Reformed Protestant tradition that for centuries has reached around the world in ministry, service and outreach in the name of Jesus Christ. We are led by a session of seven ruling elders, one session advisor and our moderator, the Rev. Keith Grogg. Christian Education is lifetime education. We engage our community with weekly Christian Education programs and monthly Women’s Circle meetings. We also offer a ‘tabernacle’ experience with children during the worship service. Our church community is very committed to mission and outreach. We strongly support missions in Haiti, Malawi, Mongolia and Zambia. Closer to home we actively support organizations within and beyond our denomination. Worship in autumn through spring is held in Upper Anderson Auditorium on Sunday morning, and in summer in Anderson Auditorium.

Montreat Presbyterian Church takes seriously our charge to be good stewards of God’s Creation, both as a congregation and as individuals, in our place of worship, in our homes and in the global community. We are recognized as an Earth Care Congregation of the national denomination. Many of our efforts toward the “tilling and keeping” of the garden are facilitated by the Earth Ministry Team of the church. The mission of the Earth Ministry Team is to lead, enhance and enable the congregation’s involvement in responsible stewardship of God’s created Earth. It aims to (1) reduce the environmental footprint of the congregation, (2) provide leadership and education to the greater community (on the local and the global level) on ways that respect the Earth and all inhabitants, and (3) foster awareness and action with related organiza- tions as appropriate concerning environmental subjects. The Team was formally organized in April 2010. Many of the efforts sort into three major categories:

Inspiration: Worship, Evangelism and Mission — Montreat Presbyterian Church may be the very first congregation in the denomination to have an Earth Stewardship Theologian serving its members, as we seek to glorify God through ef- forts to sustain natural and human resources of the planet. Meanwhile, preaching and sacred music in our services regu- larly feature Earth and its beauty, and we outreach to individuals and the community to assist and enhance their particular interests.

Education: Bible and Environmental Literacy — Theology and science are in harmony in our programs. The mini- course on “Creation as the Theater of God’s Glory: Clues for a World on the Edge” was one of the best attended of any offering in our weekly adult Christian education program, drawing attendees from the larger community. It led to invita- tions for our Earth theologian to teach at two local churches and at a Presbytery-wide leadership event. We also foster literacy concerning environmental issues by drawing from science-based information and experts, including scholars at local colleges.

Participation: Earth Stewardship Practices — From fostering awareness of how to increase household recycling, to reducing use of disposable paper and plastic products at potluck dinners, to encouraging use of fair trade and locally sourced foods and reaching out in community projects for environmental conservation, Montreat Presbyterian Church takes seriously the need for personal responsibility in sustaining resources of the Earth. Members are given opportunities to put their faith into hands-on action, living out Jesus’ commandments. We partner with several organizations in the area.

Landcare affords the Earth Ministry Team of Montreat Presbyterian Church (MPC) an opportunity to coordinate and extend its efforts with partners appropriate to the subject at hand. Thus members of the congregation who seek involvement in college student community workdays or conservation of the Montreat cove’s hemlock trees have access to projects of interest. The Landcare Committee provides a way to publicize the team’s activities, and a medium for church members to serve the broader community. Landcare’s educational efforts are valued by the MPC.



Environmental Ministries office website, Presbyterian Church (USA):

Presbyterians for Earth Care website:

North American Association for Environmental Education website: