Despite all the rain from recent tropical storms, Montreat property owners need to be sure that their grounds are free of fuels that can feed wildfire when drier days return this winter. Montreat Landcare recommends that as seasonal residents visit their homes in October and November they might spend some time outdoors clearing fallen leaves and brush from areas immediately around their buildings. This can be a great project for Thanksgiving reunions! Ways to make your home “Firewise” are given in the publication Firewise Landscaping in North Carolina, available as a pdf at . The Montreat Tree Board is a source of information on general tree care in the community. See Other aspects of making Montreat more Firewise are being developed by the Tree Board and Landcare, to be announced later this year. (Lake Lure Party Rock Fire image used with permission,
Autumn is Firewise Season in Montreat
Oct 9, 2017